Barry S. Lee

Get the best. Always pay the least.

   How to advertise cheaply and still get more bang for your buck is the basic theme of this blog.

Its message is directed to entrepreneurs and existing owners of small to medium size businesses who find it "impossible" to attract customers using a meager budget.

CONTACT INFORMATION:   EMAIL:        PHONE: 516-510-3803         MAILING ADDRESS: Barry Lee, 22501 Chase #15212, Aliso Viejo, CA  92656


In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. Norman Vincent Peale


Click anywhere on the article that interests you.

Just to make certain that we're on the same page.

If you're here at this blog of mine because you were led to believe that I can show you ways to promote yourself or your business without having to pay big...

Avoid job hunting disappointments by creating your

own business.

As both an unemployed worker for several years and a self employed business owner seeking customers, I have the same gripes as everyone else. So let's...

For the beginner in business, jump-start your visibility (any way you can).

Big business or small, everybody's in the same boat getting the word out about their new enterprise. Showing yourself off is key, not rely on insiders to...

There's always a way to do serious advertising without spending a fortune.

The disappointments you face when you initially launch your site on the internet or open the doors of your brick and mortar store can be disheartenibg...

Why you are in definite need of a website.

If you're among the reluctant few who still have no internet presence, you know you're losing business to competitors who do, and you are probably...

Smart way to use van signage to expand your business potential.

When times are tough, learning about new ways to make a few extra bucks or expand your clientele is always welcome. For you folks out there who are...

A bad economy is usually a good time to advertise.

I'm a creature of habit, so when I went out to dinner recently to discuss a new business venture with my brother it was at a restaurant I frequent regularly...

Can your company afford to advertise on television?

It's been said that there's no business like show business. If you're among the many small to medium size business or service owners who agree, you...

Put more bang into your buckslip.

Most people don't even know what a Buckslip is. If you ever received a mailing from a Utility, usually an invoice, with an accompanying 3.5" x 5" (or...

A few words about designing your logo and stationery.

It's time to have some serious fun. I say "serious" because what you do now will define the feeling your entire business projects to others, For want of a...

Don't try to fool the public with your advertising because the joke will be on you.

You're excited about running your new ad and you're equally certain that this one's going to be a winner. Maybe some of your facts are a bit fudged, but you...

Start building your list for an email campaign.

Getting the word out to potential customers can be done quickly with a well thought out email campaign, but doing it yourself is a big responsibility, since it's...

Adding content to your email campaign for maximum effect.

You can do a really fine job of contacting people by email right from your current email provider, or you can utilize a service designed primarily for that...

Bartering could be a very big step in the right direction.

Bartering comes naturally. You give me some of those for some of these and we'll callit even. Although you can't survive running your business...

A really creative idea often begins with a sense of humor.

Out-of-the-box thinking most likely starts with a sense of humor, being able to see things that make you laugh inside. Taking serious subjects and...

Where does one begin planning a video for a website?

Planning a video is like I would picture writing a novel. You walk around, sit around, and no matter what else you do around, your thoughts are all...

Average testimonials I receive about once a month.

Sometimes affirmation for a job well done through positive testimonials make business owners feel good about what they do. In my case, negative...

I can only offer you the advice; Your acceptance is optional.

The decision to build a site and launch it online is a big step for many. But the whole experience can be a pleasant one if you plan it out with someone...

When choosing a name for your website, you can pay now or pay dearly later.

Money doesn't count, especially when it comes to domain names. Although you can buy an average domain name for about 10 bucks, most people...

How to overcome the uneasiness of asking for the money due you.

Nobody ever questions the terms of payment to their cable company, HMO, or a lawyer who asks for a retainer. But when it comes to certain creative...

Here's something I tried in an effort to stir up business, and it worked.

Business sometimes slows down because clients and potential clients are caught up in everything surrounding a major holiday, or it's generally...

Local publications often give you more bang for your small business buck.

The pandemic was a way of showing us how sensitive to change our businesses really are. So learning about an option that will serve to retain...

When opportunity calls be confident enough to answer.

Like every other business owner during the pandemic. Long Islander Jim Frazzita experienced an economic void the moment a quarantine...

Local hand delivery continues as the remarkable low tech solution to successful advertising results.

Some things just never seem to change. Who would've thought that hand delivery would make a resurgence of sorts in the year 2020, just when...

Banners are an important element in your powerful advertising arsenal.

As businesses continue to suffer from one compromising social event or another, such as a global pandemic, it becomes quite evident that...

Put more bang into your buckslip.

Most people don't even know what a buckslip is. If you ever received a mailing from a utility, usually an invoice, with an accompanying 3.5" x 8.5" (or...

Can register tape advertising register profits for you?

Partnering with supermarkets and national advertisers can bring a steady payoff to local businesses who want to take advantage of...

If you have a great business with very little money, you should ride along with me.

As you may have noticed, I've adorned the header on each of my pages with a quote of inspiration from a notable human being. But the most ntable of all,...

The television advertising every local business can afford.

I used to buy affordable TV time for my smaller clients on local cable television, but even when the cable company let me select the geographic areas...

Paying $30 a year for business rent sounds like a steal of a deal.

It's in a popular neighborhood surrounded by a large variety of businesses, big and small and easy to get to from anywhere. In fact, it's the biggest mall on...

Being an optimist is different than being a dreamer.

Dreamers often hinder their own opportunities for success by creating an illusion based on the premise that everything eventually will get better on its own...

I honestly don't know what to make of this.

From all my years in advertising I understand the motivation of buyers well enough to create successful advertising campaigns that draw them...

Why it's important to advertise your website on Craigslist.

I'm always amazed with the reactions I get when I suggest to a new client that they include advertising on Craigslist as part of their marketing effort...

Grime Busters asks: Who you gonna call?

Every once in a while, someone gets a good idea by taking a great idea and repurposing. But in this case. thegreat idea has turned into an equally great...

How to go about packaging your product.

Packaging can be a complicated and tricky undertaking that's not for the faint of heart. By the same token, it can be one of the most exciting and...


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It's time to roll up your sleeves and create your own brand of "publicity department". Some of the things I suggest are not for everyone, but there has to come a time when you must begin getting yourself noticed. At this point, we're not concerned about the competition, the focus here is primarily on your own visibility. You can't expect to begin making money with what you offer if nobody knows you're there. Note: Brick and Mortar or on the net, the basics are all the same.

Start with the basics.

Design a business card. Jotting your information down on a scrap of paper or an envelope won't go very far in instilling confidence in you as a professional. This is the point where you create a logo and an overall "look" for your business. Since double-sided printing is a free option at some online printers (and even when it isn't) you can use the back of your card for an incentive that will add value to the card itself. This is the first step in a marketing effort when mass marketing funds are scarce.

A business card is an important marketing tool.

I understand that my suggestions won't be a perfect fit for every situation, so it's up to you to decide which of them is best for you. Distribute your card with everyone you make contact with. If you visit a networking club as a guest or you are there to be considered for membership, pass out your card. If what you do comes up in conversation, offer your card. Use your card to post on bulletin boards in public, like supermarkets, libraries, and business establishments. Add your business card where allowed in public venues. Give friends and family members cards to distribute in their travels. If you want to make a small investment, run your business card image in your Church bulletin. Accepting a business card is a normal function when discussing business, so designing and printing business cards should be your very first move in marketing your business.

Create "salespeople" to speak on your behalf.

I'm not talking about human salespeople, I'm talking about "representation" from flyers and other paraphernalia that provide you a "voice" when you cannot be physically present. You can magnetize your business card's incentive side to adhere to refrigerators or metal filing cabinets, or reproduce the design in a much larger format to create magnetic vehicle signage. Make several of these signs and distribute them amongst trusted folks to adhere to their own cars, extending your exposure to areas that you might not normally visit. How about creating postcards with a more detailed message that can be mailed locally or left on countertops in business establishments frequented by tons of locals, like drycleaners, laundromats, and restaurants. In fact, wherever a business card can be placed. a postcard in its place is even more visible.

You're just getting started.

Think about your business card being reproduced on inexpensive travel mugs you hand out to commuters, or a flyer being inserted into daily publications with the permission of your local newspaper vendor, or bookmarks you create and give out free with permission from your local library. Visit garage sales, flea markets, and other places large numbers of people congregate to distribute other welcome giveaways like pens, T-shirts, or caps. In general, advertising specialty items are relatively inexpensive when purchased in volume. Put your business card in outgoing mail, run free classifieds on your town's online site and places like Craigslist and Put a message on the inside of your vehicle's sun visor (upside down) so that when you lower it, you're sending a message to passersbys while you're parked. There’s no end to the ideas that will surface when you’re in the advertising “cheap” mode. Here’s some more:  Get a pre-inked stamp with a message you design and stamp every envelope you send out, even the postage-free return envelopes, place flyers in windshield wipers in mega malls, and leave a business card with your tip at every eating establishment you frequent. Who knows if your server knows someone who’s looking for the particular thing you have to offer. No matter what you do or where you go, no matter who you see or when you see them, stay consistent with your message and your "look", while promoting, promoting, promoting any way you can. Here's to cheap. Barry

For the beginner in business, jump-start your visibility (any way you can).

Big business or small, everybody's in the same boat getting the word out about their new enterprise. Showing yourself off is key, not relying on insiders to spread the word or pacing up and down praying for customers to emerge.

From all my years in advertising I uderstand the motivation of buyers well enough to create successful advertising campaigns that draw them in, but this new wrinkle amongst advertisers has me stymied. Let me explain. We're in the middle of the pandemic and some businesses have been locked down so long they no longer have the wherewithal to continue the move forward. So they toss in the towel and close their doors forever. Others are slightly better off and continue to tough it out, but not without becoming part of the dialogue on places like linkedin and Alignable forums. Here, they're constantly looking for answers by asking questions like, "What's the most creative business idea you've seen since the start of the pandemic?" and, "What are you or other businesses in your community doing to adapt, innovate, and recover from the effects of the pandemic?"

So that got me thinking about passing ideas forward.

I offered to brainstorm with anyone who calls me with the desire to search for new ways to move forward or create new ideas to promote old ways as well. Here's a quote: "So while I tout myself as the “cheap” alternative for things you have to actually pay me for, I give you something that you shouldn’t pass up; Free Consultation.  And just like we used to do at many of the advertising agencies I worked for, "brainstorming" produced some of our greatest ideas. So if you’re on the fence about what to do about your struggling business, any business at all, why not brainstorm with me? I won’t press you to do business with me and I love to schmooze. Let's talk. 516-510-3803. Enjoy the day. Barry."

Then I ran the following in an email blast to

both of the barter organizations I'm a member

of and got the same response. Nothing.

All I can say to that is:

Maybe I'll just give it more time to sink in.



This is the message that went to my fellow members of both barter organizations Click on the image if you want to read it.

Click here to read my article "Being an optimist is diffent than being a dreamer." It gives you some very substantive ways to think out of the box and save a business in trouble.
