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Local publications often give you more bang for your small business buck.
The pandemic was a way of showing us how sensitive to change our businesses really are. So learning about an option that will serve to retain our customer base and help us reach out to new customers is necessary to meet any and all challenges to our fragile economic well being in the future. Local publications, such as the one I'm describing here, are a cost-effective and proven way to accomplish this goal and this is one I have in my possession.
"It's my bad" as the expression goes for not reporting on this important genre of print media at a much earlier time, but thanks to a call from Long Island publisher Jay Rosen alerting me of my omission, I'm finally getting around to it. One more note: I'm sure that there are other publishers in other areas around the country who take equal pride in their publications of this nature, but Long Island got here first. Still, if you want to put a header on this page touting your own I'd be more than happy to consider it. Just give me a call to discuss it.
Usually, the longevity of a business speaks volumes for its popularity, and Squire Publishing seems to be the perfect example. Since 1984, they have been producing one of Long Island's most successful titles, aptly named the Premium Shopping Guide alongside their much sought after sister publication known as the Premium Community Calendar.
I'm an old time retail professional who hasn't seen anything that rivals this.
Even in this digital age, everyone continues to receive full color magazines in their mailbox on a monthly basis, the contents of which are primarily ads representing local independent and franchised businesses. But the Premium Shopping Guide is unique in that it's taken this concept to the next level by turning monthly into seasonally, thereby expanding their page count and offering many more saving opportunities over a much longer period of time. Each issue of the Premium Shopping Guiide has taken monthly savings opportunities and transformed the entire concept into a publication that hangs around all season as a family's go-to reference for attaining coupon savings for virtually everything available in the area.
The Premium Community Yearly Calendar:
Now you can set yourself up for the next 365 days.
Each calendar features nostalgic photos and historical descriptions for the particular town that it serves on each and every monthly page. If you're an advertiser that wants to be represented with an ad every month, offer a coupon every week, every third Tuesday, or wants to alert customers to your representation in the perforated savings check pages that appear in the back pages of the calendar, there are several reasonable pricing options at your disposal. And just to make certain that the calendar remains an overall resource beyond the coupon savings it represents, there is a section that contains all crucial town resources and events accompanied by a complete phone directory of all important area locations and services.
This is further proof of what I'm always saying:
"People respond the same as they always have."
It's not social media and it's not online, but it does offer the very incentives and discounts that will be reeling bargain hunters in forever. I've seen their rate sheet and I've seen the quality of their publications and can imagine that their low advertising rates, their direct mail feature, and their coupon centric offerings are all integral parts of an intelligent strategy that has contributed to their popularity amongst business locals. Both publications are full color, and both are mailed directly to businesses and homes in each of the sixteen towns that make up the Smithtown and Huntington Townships they serve. Looks like a winner to me and kudos to Jay Rosen at Squire publishing.

TOP: The covers from the Premium Shopping Guide's Winter
2019-2020 edition and Squire's 2014 Community Calendar for
Northport, LI. ( because I liked the way that one looked ) and inside page from another town calendar. BOTTOM: Spreads from one of their shopping guide issues.
